Thursday 27 October 2011

Why Intercultural Communication is Important

Intercultural communication is key to the success of businesses right now and in the future. There are three main reasons for this. These reasons are :

1. Globalization of markets
Doing business within your own country is a thing of the past. Doing business with many different countries around the globe is what is happening nowadays. Companies are expanding because they see the potential profits in other parts of the world and now that there are so many trade agreements there is nothing stopping them.

2. Technological advancements
Transportation and information technologies are another reason as to why intercultural communication is so important right now. Transportation advancements have made it easy to access different parts of the world, therefore, easy to do business in different parts of the world. Communication and transportation advancements have made the business world efficient and effective. New opportunities with information technologies have made your location completely irrelevant in regards to business with instant oral and written communication.

3. Intercultural workforce
The high levels of immigration have created a need for intercultural communication skills that were irrelevant 20 years ago. The workforce in Canada is continuing to grow as a diverse workforce so the need for intercultural communication and proficiency is continuing to grow as well.

Which factor do you think has had the most influence in making intercultural communication a key to business success?

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